1. Ree M Swartz4:26 AM

      Hi Desire, I just found you through your card submitted for a challenge at Cuttin and Stampin. I just want to say ho much I enjoy your blog! Hugs right back and thank you for the tutorials. Would you be doing any video tutorials or do you have some on YouTube? your cards are marvelous, many blessings, Ree

    2. Hi Ree. Thank you for your lovely comment, blush blush. I have not done any video tuts as yet. You can click on my tutorials tab at the top of my blog to see a list of my tutorials you can go and browse through. Hope this helps.
      Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

    3. Hi,
      i have recently stumbled across your blog and it is amazing, i love all of your cards and projects. i was wondering if you were interested in becoming a member of Agirlwhocrafts DT
      A link to the shop-
      if you are interested please email me

      Becca- Agirlwhocrafts

    4. Hi Desire, It's wonderful to have to join Lil Patch of Crafty Friends. Always loved your work and being alongtime follower, I have always admired your creativity. Thanks again for accepting and being part of my New Adventure along with the other amazing Design Team Members. Happy crafting and welcome xx
      ~ Denise ~
      Owner {Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge}
      {Denise's Patch of Creativity}


    Thank you for stopping by here at {Doing Life}. Please know that your comment is valued. Hope you enjoyed your stay.
    Crafty hugs