Just a quick post to let everyone in on the layout we are going to do on Saturday with Candice Greenway. It is absolutely stunning! Thank you so much Candice for sharing and being willing to teach us this layout - me and my students cannot wait! The excitement is running feverishly HIGH!!!!
Here is Candice's comment posted with her layout:
"This layout is for a class that I will teaching in Durban, South Africa at the end of the month - very excited about that!! I haven't done a double page spread in ages, so this was quite a change for me! This page was totally inspired by the "R is for Remember" 7Gypsies 97% Complete sticker range. I used sepia photos & lots of inking & distressing to create a feeling of nostalgia about "days-gone-by". The file folder is actually a pocket with 3 index cards that slip inside with all my journaling & extra photos & keepsakes from my childhood. I still cannot get my mind around the fact that the focal photo is a school portrait of me taken almost 30 years ago - I really don't feel THAT old, lol! :o)Thanks for looking."
Email from Candice: 24 November 2006 at 4:00pm
"Hi Desire!Thanks so much for your sweet email :o)I'm so glad that posting the class layout at 2peas has been a help to you.It's always nice to know what you're going to be doing in advance so thatyou can prepare properly & it makes for a far more pleasant class experiencetoo.And, yes absolutely - you can have as many photos as you like, we arescrapbookers after all, LOL! I'm flattered that you asked, thank you :o)I'm off to the airport in a little bit & can't wait to meet all of youtomorrow.See you soon!LoveCandicexxx"
- Signing off on a HIGH
What a stunning layout! I can't wait to see your one Desire and then to do one myself. I think my one should be one of me as a child!!
(The OW and MoBHG who is a TPGC and is the MFV the DLA and also DLEWotN)