12 January 2009

{Dutch Dare Design Team Creation}
This week's challenge put to the Design Team is to create a card with a brown, green and blue colour combo. My Mojo has still not pitched for 2009 so I got a head start by using this week's sketch over at Sketch Saturday and Stamp Something's 'no stamping' challenge. I had a huge struggle with numerous attempts just to decide on an image for the card. Whilst blog hopping, I discovered the gorgeous idea of recycling old bits of cardstock, on Kath's blog. Thanks Kath for sharing this idea on your gorgeous creation. Pop over to her blog right away and you just might get your Mojo inspired as well.
I pulled out one of my square EK Success punches and started punching away at my old bits and pieces of cardstock, inked the edges of each square and put together a quick mosaic. Then I put the mosaic upside down on my light box and drew a heart shape with one of my templates on the back. Cut the heart shape out with a deckled edges scissors and viola my image for the creation has been sorted. And sommer did my bit for recycling and saving our precious planet. The sentiments are from my Creative Memories clear sticker stash and the brads are from Buttons Galore.
The challenge this week over at One Stop Craft Challenge is 'Take a Punch' and I thought this creation will also be fit to be entered into this challenge.
I used the following Basic Grey patterned cardstock:
    • Aged&Confused Vagabond - Vintage Paisley
    • Periphery - Bordeaux
    • Archaic - Prime
I even finished off the inside of the card as well, couldn't help myself with this mosaicing.
Click on the pics to get a clearer view.
Thanks to all of you for your sympathy regarding not having the use of our Telkom ADSL line, but I've got good news, the Telkom technician gave me a call Friday afternoon to let me know that he has replaced our port on their control station and that our ADSL line should be in good working order again. And yes, its working again. This is probably the 5th time in a year that Telkom had to replaced a port in their control station for our line which goes on the blink every time their is an electric storm. One should think that Telkom has sufficient safety measures to prevent this type of mishap. Just imagine how many ports Telkom has to replace each year for all their Gauteng subscribers getting affected by electric storms ... makes one wonder hey. At least Telkom offered this time round to credit us for the period we did not have usage of our ADSL line ... now I would say that this is only due to the looming competition on the horizon.
Thank you once again for having a look here.
- Recycled signing off


  1. Gorgeous card Desire:) I can't believe you could ever loose your mojo...lol!

  2. Gorgeous card Desire and I am so honoured that you would want to cardlift my idea....Hugs Kath xxxx

  3. this is a beautiful card Desire,
    love the heart. hugs rachxx

  4. What a fantastic card, the mosiac heart is beautiful. Really enjoyed looking at your blog, your photo's are amazing as well as all your crafts. Thanks for joining in the one stop craft challenge. Donna x

  5. Anonymous6:59 PM

    What a stunning card! I love the technique you used...it reminds me of beautiful old handpainted tiles!
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    (-: Heidi

  6. I am loving the mosiac work Desire - what an amazing idea. You are so inspirational!!

    hugs Bev x

  7. Your mosaic is gorgeous... clever girl.

    Glad Telkom sorted out their problem and you are back up and running. Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog.

  8. All that mosaic work is amazing. This is such a beautiful card. Thanks for sharing it and joining in the One Stop Craft Challenge.

  9. This is such a great card. Thankyou for taking part in the One Stop Craft Challenge.
    Paula xxxx

  10. Great card....

    Hey I see you won the watermark off Jennifer's blog, go look.

  11. Lovely card Desire - the mosaicing worked really well. Glad your ADSL line is up and running again - very frustrating I am sure.

  12. This is gorgeous!
    Love the layout,and the colours you have used!
    Beautiful :)
    Hugs from Maya.

  13. Ooo lovely mosaic card, really pretty. Glad you got the line sorted.x

  14. Gorgeous card, love the heart. Glad you're back online.

  15. What a great idea Desire! But I not as talented as you are, I would spend hours figuring out what to do with the scraps or where to use them! LOL

  16. Beautiful card!

  17. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Your card is `beautiful` Desire:)love the mosaics~X~

  18. i LOVE that heart..wowza ~ gorgeous work desire

  19. Gorgeous! Love the mosaic effect!
    Helen x

  20. This is so amazing - you were really thinking outside the box with this one.
    hugs Heather xx

  21. A credit from Telkom - now that's a first! See what you can do with old scraps? Amazing ;-)


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Crafty hugs