30 June 2009

{Sketch Saturday Challenge}

The very talented Kath's 4-legged companion, the golden deliciousness, His Lordship Laurence celebrates his 21st doggy birthday today and has hijacked his Mam's blog to host a little challenge of his own ....

"Hi Everybody......it's BUDDY or you may know me better as "THE BUDSTER" ....now aren't you surprised....bet you didn't know that dogs can blog just like all you lovely crafters....well I am a little bit fed up of my Mum hogging this blog all the time....it's all cards and crafty stuff....well how boring is that......so I think it's time that we all had a little bit of doggy fun. What my Mum doesn't know is that all her lovely followers only visit to catch a glimpse of me....well I can't help being such a handsome devil can I. Always up for a bit of fun and good old fashioned mischief.....so here's what I've got in mind.......I am going to be in so much trouble for this ...but what's new....so in for a penny... in for a pound. I have a birthday coming up.....will be 3 on Tuesday.....but for us doggy chaps....well it's a bit of a special one.....21 in doggy years.....and you know what....I will probably get one card from Mum & Dad and a load of stupid squeaky stuff....so just to prove to My Mum what a popular fella I am......I am setting you all a bit of a challenge......make me a card for my birthday......now you don't need to post it because that poor postie chap must be fed up delivering stuff here.....just leave a comment here with a link to your card.....see I have been listening to all this bloggy jargon.....and then I can come visit you. Now I know that all these challengy things give out prizes.....well cheapskate I ain't......so there will be a bumper prize for my favourite card......the cubbyhole queen doesn't know it yet.....but her stash is definitely going to be a good bit lighter....you wouldn't believe the stuff in there.....hardly room for me to rest my handsome head....and when I do manage to get a bit of shut eye.....I end up covered in those little white squares...blighters of things...they get everywhere. I have hatched a cunning plan to get the prize to the lucky winner....I am thinking that nice postie chap might help me out....if I promise not to chase him again and I know what you're thinking.....gee this dog just ain't a pretty face.Well what you waiting for.....can't wait to see some birthday cards.......the deadline is Sunday 5th July at noon GMT......well off to get the old head down and have a snooze....who would have believed how tiring this blogging malarkey can be.BIG DOGGY CUDDLES AND KISSES "BUDDY"and that's another bone of contention.....that reminds me where did I leave that bone...why does she insist on calling me "THE BUDSTER".....my proper name is "HIS LORDSHIP LAURENCE"but no need to stand on ceremony....you don't have to bow or curtsey....just crack on with the card."

So I took His Lordship up on his challenge and created this little birthday card for him. Buddy I do hope you like your birthday card all the way here from the Southern tip of Africa. I am sure you all agree that Buddy is a serious contender for eye candy of the year.

I also need to request a huge favour from you Buddy ... please could you email me your postal address so that I can pop the real McCoy in the post for you and just may be you can have a real sniff and lick at your South African birthday card.

I have also entered Buddy's card for the current Sketch Saturday challenge, hope you don't mind Buddy.
Thanks again for all your lovely comments and your friendly visits.


  1. Oh this is gorgeous Desire. Buddy is going to love this for sure. Hugs Michele x

  2. Ek is 'n Buddy fan - dis pragtig! As ek jou blog opmaak, sien ek nooit enige sidebars nie - is daar? Hoe kom ek daarby uit?

  3. Buddy is one very lucky dog!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. what a gorgeous Buddy card! i'm sure he'll absolutely love it :D

  6. Anonymous6:03 PM

    What a darling card! You embellish that wonderful pic perfectly!

    (-: Heidi

  7. Tee Hee, very cute Desire, love the effect on the photo. Kim

  8. It's fantastic!!! Gorgeous design and the colors are totally WOW!!!

  9. wow desire I am loving my card and of course it's all the better with my handsome face on it....I will get My Mum to e-mail you my addy...Big Hugs Kath xxxxx

  10. Wonderful card. Anesha

  11. Buddy is way toooooo adorable !!!!!lovely sketch !!!!!tfs:)

  12. This is gorgeous Desire,buddy looks adorable!

  13. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Hi Desire,
    What a gorgeous card. You have inspired me to do one for Richard (my son's) 21 coming up in two weeks. It truely is stunning. love Sheila

  14. Well done Desire - what a cute card! Very well done. Thanks for all your recent concerned comments. I have started leaving a reply after all the comments back in my comment box - not sure if you click "e mail follow up comments" but just letting you know that you can do so if you want ;-D

  15. I love it...a card for Buddy! Well done!

  16. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Buddy will be `Delighted` Desiree
    his card is `gorgeous`..Aw...
    Enjoy the rest of your Day :) xxx

  17. Wow..this is fabulous...Buddy is sure gonna love this!! Love the colours and your work is just fantstic. I am loving the heatwave here..happens so rarely..you just gotta enjoy every minute :)
    Have a great day!
    Judy xx

  18. Oh wow absolutely gorgeous Desire. he looks so much like my Milly, who is going away tomorrow for 10 days I'm gonna miss her so much.
    Gorgeous card!!

  19. Aww that is such a cute card. I love how Kath did the whole Buddy blog entry - so cute!!

  20. Wow his lordship is going to be so pleased with this fabulous card dear
    Hugs Jacqui x

  21. Oh Desire, Buddy is gorgeous, he will love the card

  22. Awwww!
    Happy birthday Buddy boy!
    You don't even know what a lucky dog you are to be getting a handmade card from Desire - just one thing though, it's for admiring {which can include a little drool}, not for eating ;o)

  23. this is fabulous, i am sure that it is going to go down a treat with Buddy. hugs Rachxx

  24. Oh this is just fantastic hun - what a fabulous tribute to Buddy - love it! x

  25. Oh this fabulous, love the cute image and the perfect doggy colours.

  26. This is an awesome card! Love the photo, we have goldens too! Great details and the colors are fabulous. :)

  27. Buddy is Gorgeous!! and this card is Absolutley Fabulous!!...Hugs, Ila

  28. This is gorgeous Desire!!!
    A big hug to Buddy
    peet x

  29. Happy belated birthday Buddy!! I'm sure you loved the card ;)


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Crafty hugs