16 September 2009

{... and some other tit bits}
Yes, I know I am stretching myself a bit here, but the ABC Challenge blog has been one of my favourite challenge blogs featuring such versatile themes every week and suits absolutely anyone's style.
So I just cannot resist applying for their current Design Team Call. The requirements are to post three of our favourite creations which reflects our personal crafting style. So here are three creations which I really think portrays my style. An added benefit is that the ABC Challenge is posting a new challenge only every fortnight.




I would like to thank all of you who have been wishing me all the best with my previous Design Team Call entries over at the Monthly Card Kit Club ... all your lovely comments are truly appreciated.
At the moment I am quite looking forward to my next commissioned photo shoot which is on 23 September in Rustenburg. Its a shoot of hubby's nephew's daughter's matric dance. Marie-Louise has had a very unusual dress designed for her ... very much with an African Influence ... can't wait to see her dress. Marie-Louise has also been a model from very young and is seriously creative. A few months ago I gave her a whole bag full of scrapbooking/crafting embellishments which she wanted the designer to incorporate on the dress ... so now you can just imagine my curiosity. Will be shooting Marie-Louise from where she dresses right through to the function itself.
Below is a layout I did in 2004 of Marie-Louise with her parents and little brother Anrich. Marie-Louise's eldest sister, Yolandi was not with when these pics were taken in our Kloof garden. Can't believe this is more than 5 years ago ... scary.




I have been noticing of late, small fuzzy brown spots on some of the scenery shots I am shooting with my Canon EOS 20D and was quite worried about it. I got the number of Camera Tek from my local photo lab guy and visited Camera Tek in Randburg yesterday. Once again I am so thrilled to announce that there are still excellent customer care here in SA. After being received very professionally at reception a technician was called immediately to listen to my problem and said that a blow-out will probably be successful in eliminating these spots. Should the blow-out not be successful the camera will have to be opened up totally and all the parts cleaned thoroughly, with a waiting period of 8-10 work days.
Well I am pleased to say that after only waiting 15 minutes, the blow-out was successful and I have since tested it and no spots anymore. So if any of you live in Johannesburg, Camera Tek is the only qualified camera experts you should allow to work with your camera and they specialise in Canon products. Their telephone number is (011) 251-2400.
Thank you all again for taking the time to pop in here. Will be spreading some love over at your patch in blogland soon.


  1. Oh Hun they will be mad not to chose you, your work is always so stunning and versatile you are an inspiration, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for you
    HUgs Jacqui x

  2. more stunning cards and beautiful Lo...agree with Jacqui....they would be insane not to have you on their team....good luck....big hugs kath xxxx

  3. Fab designs, love the layout and pics! Good luck with the DT call! Hugs;moni

  4. Oh your work is outstanding, I love all your details, GORGEOUS.

  5. Hi Desire, firstly thanks for the information about Camera Tek.
    I cannot wait for the Matric dance photos. Loveis. Pam

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That black birdie card is my favourite. Good luck with the DT - they will be crazy not to select you. Can't wait to see the matric dance photos. Thanks for the info on Camera Tek - hopefully I won't have to use them, but nice to know.

  8. Oh these are fabulous Desire, I love the blues on the first card and your iris folding is wonderful. Good luck with the DT call

  9. Hi Desire

    Fabolous projects and a wondeful blog, so enjoyed looking round, thank you for sharing

    B x

  10. Good luck with the DT call Desire, all the cards are gorgeous and I just love the 1st one!!

  11. Good luck with the DT call Desire, all the cards are gorgeous and I just love the 1st one!!

  12. Hey Desire you are on a DT call roll at the moment!!! Hope for the very best for you ;-D I haven't applied for ages & I really should - I just always find I have so much on the go personally that I don't have time for the call as they usually only give 2 weeks to do it in & that is too short for me as my scrappy time is a few hours a day if I'm lucky...Can't wait to see your matric photo shoot & great info about the camera place {makes a nice change ***WINK WINK***} also love the older layout - love the leaves & the buttons & the textury "stuff" & love to use text paper as you have done! Oh & also love to tear...never goes out of fashion ;-D

  13. They are absolutly beautiful, all of them! The color schemes are gorgeous, specially love the soft blue colors of the first one. Good luck with the call, I know who I'd choose! LOL!

  14. Gorgeous cards!
    Thanks for entering our DT call - good luck!
    Helen x

  15. Anonymous11:24 PM

    So many things to look at in your post...and all of them beautiful! Your iris folding is always stunning!

    (-: Heidi

  16. These are SOOOO beautiful!

  17. Just fabulous cards and LO Desire, I adore what tou did with the leafs just wonderful as always. I always love your style. Good luck in the call and hope the Camera is ok! Kim

  18. WOW Desire!
    These are all amazing -- all of your projects are so creatinve, everytime you look at them you see something you missed the first time. Stunning work!

  19. Your work is AWESOME!, my Friend! I have no words today, Desire....just lots of *gasps*!!!!! You are truly inspirational to all of us!

  20. I was so busy *gasping*, I forget to wish you well with the DT call. You will be a wonderful, creative addition to the team! I am pulling for you!

  21. Good luck Desire! I cannot see how they won't choose you, it would be their good fortune! Nettie xx

  22. Hi Desire!
    What a fab projects! I love this.
    Please pop over to my blog where I have a little something waiting for you.

  23. Stunning cards Desire, I just dont know how you manage to get so much detail onto every card!
    Jose x

  24. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Hi Desire,
    I congratulate you al well. I'm also looking foorward to work with you and the other DT members.
    And good luck with the other DT call.

    Loes x

  25. Amazing cards Desire your just a star and I adore visiting your blog, its cracking!!! xxxxxxxxx

  26. Beautiful, beautiful work Desire... truly inspirational!

  27. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Your work is beautiful and deserving of a DT spot....wish you all the best! I've been thinking of giving it a try too but not sure yet.

  28. All stunningly gorgeous, but I especially adore the blue one it's so beautiful.
    If I were choosing - you would most definitely be on the team!!!
    hugs Heather xx

  29. A HUGE congratulations on getting into the ABC DT. I absolutely love your cards and LO's and I am looking forward to working with you. This is going to be fun

  30. Hi..thank you for your kind words on my blog!! I have just been drooling over your fantastic blog!!!..I am so thrilled that we will be working together on the DT for ABC challenge..
    Kind regards

  31. What a gorgeous little baby. Ours is 3 months old....the time flies! Great to have you with us on the ABC challenge blog
    fiona x

  32. Anonymous6:41 PM

    What a lot of beautiful work you have I love the first blue card the most but then I do love blue! fantastic blog too! I look forward to working with you! Samantha :0)

  33. so beautiful! Everything on this is gorgeous! Congrats on the DT position! ( I came from the ABC challenge blog to check out the new DT). You are amazing!!!

  34. Anonymous2:58 PM

    It was very interesting for me to read this blog. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.


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Crafty hugs