06 February 2014


{CELEBRATING 700 to 800 Followers - GIVE AWAY}

To each of my old and new Followers, a huge thank you and tons of hugs, for always making the effort to visit my little space in blog land and for all the wonderful inspirational comments you leave behind.  Without you, blog land would be a dull and quite place to be.
I have recently reached 831 Followers and to say thank you to each and everyone of my Followers, a very special, generous and talented artist, Lisa Decosse, is sponsoring my Give Away - thank you so much Lisa.  Some of you might have come to know Lisa in blog land.  Lisa is the owner of the wonderful inspirational Path of Positivity Challenge and I am very proud and honoured to be on her POP design team. Here is a bit more about the awesome Lisa Decosse, herself:

Decosse's Dynamite Doodles
Are you interested in digital sentiments, papers and other embellishments? How about a badge made especially for your blog? If these are items you are interested in, you are going to want to check out Decosse's Dynamite Doodles. My name is Lisa and with over 100 freebies to choose from, and new ones added weekly, I just might have what you are looking for. Along with the freebies I offer, I also create blog badges and am in the process of putting some kits together. Additionally, there is always inspiration to be found among my many different features. I'd love for you to pop by and visit me. I hope you have a blast!
... and of course Lisa has also designed my 800 Follower badge as seen above.

Lisa is sponsoring the following digital gifts to each and everyone who enters my 700 to 800 Follower Give Away, by following the few rules set out below:

Apart from the above prizes for everyone linking up to my little give away, Lisa is also sponsoring the following prizes, which will be determined by Random.org:

{will receive all of these digital goodies below}

{will receive all of these digital goodies below}

{will receive all of these digital goodies below}

{will each receive one of the above digital goodies}

To summarise then:
  1. Be or Become a FOLLOWER of my blog with GOOGLE FRIEND CONNECT, scroll down a bit to find it in my side bar on the right (the badge with the friendly faces of my Followers).  Click on 'Join this Site'- please only become a Follower if you have an active blog and regularly post your creative work on it AND love what you see here.
  2. Like my FACEBOOK Pages here and here (This is NOT  a requirement, but would really be nice!!) 
  3. Link your NAME to MR LINKY below.
  4. Pop my 800 Follower Badge with a link to this post, in your sidebar (This is NOT a requirement, but would really be nice!!)
  5. Leave me a COMMENT on this post below letting me know that you are a Follower of my blog  (and whether you liked my Facebook Page or not), and have entered your name with Mr Linky here - and of course please leave me your email address so that I can get your prize off to you, once the Give Away has closed.
You are all winners, but the Grand Prize and 1st to 8th Prize Winners will be announced on Monday, 10 March 2014.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

1. Sandra H  22. KT Fit Kitty  43. Hetty  
2. Margaret A (Granmargaret)  23. Marg B  44. Sharyn Polesel  
3. Brenda  24. Billie A  45. PennyRae  
4. Eemeli  25. Crafting Vicky  46. Doris Molina Mora  
5. Pumpy  26. Maureen Scott  47. Kim Heggins  
6. Ursula Uphof  27. Lozzy  48. Kay  
7. Karal S  28. Spyder  49. Chriss America Real  
8. aNNieā™„  29. Margaret Smith Sage  50. ~Shirley Qu~  
9. Sue  30. Monika Reeck  51. Pat Martin  
10. Taylormade4u  31. Corinne  52. Linda Palmer  
11. Maryann  32. Lorraine Collett  53. Lisa S  
12. Cathy(Kraftykoolkat)  33. Elly Booij  54. vicki dutcher  
13. Carole Z  34. Vanja  55. Annette Reed  
14. Diane  35. Gloria Shirr  56. Chrissy  
15. Lisa F  36. Mikha Adriani  57. Angela Treasures  
16. *Tamara*  37. Julie O  58. Gertrude  
17. Pam Phelps  38. Berni C  59. Susan zuzarte  
18. Lizette Saaiman  39. *Vicki*  60. Vinita  
19. Edwina Brown  40. Dianne  61. Michelle Ransay  
20. Anjali Reddy  41. Emily Thubbron  62. Riette  
21. Angeline Choo  42. Chris Hanselman  63. Pam  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Creative Hugs


  1. Wow what a nice start to the day and seeing that your candy which is absolutely stunning and what a lovely thing to be doing after hitting your 800 followers which l now see is far more and many congratulations to you l am a follower and have liked your pages on facebook your so talented and its really lovely be to part of your blogging friends thank you so much and heres to lots more followers xx

  2. Congratulations Desire. I have been a follower of your blog for some time and I follow your first facebook page. Very generous giveaway by Lisa Decosse.
    Best wishes

  3. Hi Desire, Just looked back and realised that l hadn't left my email address with the comments l left you regarding your amazing giveaway candy so here it is hwssndr@aol.com and my blog just incase you needed it
    http://sandra-nanagramps.blogspot.com/and many thanks again for this chance to take part enjoy your day xx

  4. Congratulations on reaching another milestone Desire, it'a always a pleasure to see your unique and inspirational pieces of artwork.

    I don't do Facebook I am afraid (takes me all my time keeping up with blogland)but am a follower long since and will add you to my sidebar.

    B x

  5. Congrats hun! That is a HUGE number! I am your fb-buddy and been a follower since we shared a DT team membership :)


  6. My email address is
    Thank you.

  7. Hi Desire, I am a happy follower of this wonderful Blog, and try not to miss my regular visit. Congratulations on your 831 followers, I hope you go from strength to strength. Lovies from Pumpy.

  8. Congrats on over 800 followers Desire. You creations are great and everyone loves to come have a look at your site.

  9. Desire, thank you for the opportunity to win such lovely prizes. You know I am a follower of your blog and FB. Congratulations on a wonderful achievement. hugs, Ursula u-ruphof@iburst.co.za

  10. Oh my giddy aunt, congratulations gorgeous...wowow I am so happy for you...well it's no wonder you have so many followers, look at your awesome creations and lovely tutorials....luv n hugs, aNNie.xxxxx

  11. Wow Desire what a giveaway,its fabulous,off to put your badge on my side bar.
    Sue x

  12. Wow! Congrats Desire. I always enjoy seeing your work. I have placed your 800 Follower Badge on my blog and I am already a follower. Monica

  13. Wow Desire...you have really got a lot of followers. Congratulations on the growth of your blog.

  14. WOUW a very Biiiiiiiig CONGRATULATION on your many followers here DesirĆ©, but IĀ“m not surprised with the lovely work, youĀ“re always doing. Thanks sooo much for the wonderful chance to win some of LisaĀ“s awesome goodies here and thanks so much to Lisa for providing them.
    Have a wonderful day and loads of great fun everyone.

  15. Thank you for the chance to win some candy and also Lisa for putting the awesome goodies forward. Congrats on your followers.

    I have been a follower of yours for ages. I have put my name in Mr Linky and have posted the candy on the side of my blog. I can't like on Facebook because I do not belong.


  16. WOWEE Desire, fabulous! What a great milestone..have to say that I only found you around Christmastime, but I love visiting and see your fab creations..there's me celebrating 70 followers on mine...a long way to go...lol! Hugs Carole Z X

  17. Wow, beautiful papers and goodies! Thanks so much for introducing us to Lisa, her work is amazing! ~Diane

  18. Congratulations, Desire!! And what an amazing and generous giveaway!! I am already a follower and have liked both of your FB pages. I'm off to add your candy to my sidebar!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  19. Sorry I forgot my email addy!! It is: indymermaid(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank so much for a chance to win :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  20. Congrats my dear friend on this most auspicious occasion. I am so happy that not only have I been inspired by you time and time again but that we have also become good friends throughout this last year. You are such an incredible support and I am so appreciative for all the things you do. Life wouldn't be the same without you.

    It is my honour to be able to sponsor such an incredible milestone! May people continue to see the incredible value you offer as a designer so that you may continue to grow and grow and grow some more!!!

    Big hugs,

  21. Congratulations from my heart Desire!!!
    You are so talented and so kind lady
    all the best in future.
    You have amazing candy, thanks for chance to win
    hugs from/with sLOVEnija Tamara :)

  22. I have been a follow of yours for a long time.:) Love keeping up with what you are doing..

    Thanks for a chance to win these fabulous gifts.


  23. Hi Desire, this is wonderfull to see you blogsite on 800. Your target for the next Challenge 1000. I would love to win this awesome give away. Keep up this Creative juice it is wonderfull and always inspiring....Love Lizette

  24. Hi Desire, Congrats on reaching 700/800 followers! That is terrific! Great giveaways you are having. Love Lisa's stuff so much.
    I am already a follower of your blog and a fan on the one facebook page. I am now a fan on the other facebook link. Thank you so much for a chance to win. Edwina Brown

  25. Forgot to add my e-mail. Edwina Brown edwina.brown@live.com

  26. Congratulations for hitting another milestone..
    I have added this candy to my blog's sidebar and I am one of your follower too..
    I started my blog very recently and I will be very happy if you can visit and leave me some comments.
    My email id : blogforanyone2013@gmail.com

    Thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to win this beautiful candy

  27. Here is my e-mail:


  28. WOW! 800+ followers? Congrats!! :) I am a new follower.

  29. Oh and I've also liked your FB page! :) Keep in touch :)

  30. Congratulations, Desire! 800 Followers - that's awesome! I am on my way to 100 and I remember my excitement at 50 - so you must be thrilled with 800! Lisa D. is so lovely and generous to sponsor your giveaway - thank you, Lisa!

    I follow you on GFC and my email is: fitkitty1@gmail.com . I have added your beautiful badge to my sidebar - thank you! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  31. Hiya Desire, Fabulous & congratulations to you on such an achievement of reaching 800 followers.
    I was already a follower, I have
    now liked both of your Facebook pages (which I didnt know you had lol), placed your badge on my blog sidebar * now commented!!!
    I do read your blog posts & all of your lovely comments on my blog posts (Thank you)
    My email: CardsByMarg@live.co.uk
    Marg ;) xx

  32. Hiya Desire, Fabulous & congratulations to you on such an
    acheivement of reaching 800 followers. I was already a follower,
    I have now liked both of your Facebook pages
    (which I didnt know you had lol),
    I have placed your badge on my
    blog sidebar * now commented!!!
    I do read your blog posts & all
    of your lovely comments on my
    blog posts (Thank you)
    My email: CardsByMarg@live.co.uk
    Marg ;) xx

  33. Congrats!!! That's a fabulous milestone! But I'm not surprise your artwork is just fabulous :) Awesome prizes. I have added the badge and I'm already a follower and a FB liker :)

  34. Congrats on all those followers, You do awesome work and I love visiting your blog!

  35. Love to visit your blog Desire,

  36. WOW Desire, congratulations on your 800 follows and thank you for a chance of winning your amazing candy. Have added your candy to my blog..Hugs Lozzy xx

  37. Congratulations on passsing your 800 followers barrier, and what fabulous candi sponsored by Lisa! Will post about your candi and I'm already a follower!


  38. wohooo Desire...congrats to your more than 800 Follower..woooww it is an amazing number...and wow nice Giveaway here..wish I am one of the lucky one...I link my name too...hope you like to see my Blog too dear Desire, nice to know you through Blog Land..hugs, Monika

  39. woohoo, congrats... I am a follower of your blog..and thanks for the chance to win...

  40. Wow a fantastic number of followers. I have followed all the steps above and thanks for having such a great giveaway.

  41. Congrats on so many followers, Desire! Fabulous giveaway! :)


  42. Congratulations Desire! You are doing fantastic with so many wonderful followers. Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful candy! Thank Lisa as well. She is fabulous, isn't she! Have a terrific day! Hugs, Gloria


  43. Oh, congrats Desire!! It's already 837 followers and I'm sure would grow up more! You deserve it, dear. Your creations are all stunning!!
    I've done all the steps above :)
    And here's my email address: mikha_adriani@yahoo.com

    Thanks for the big chance! Lovely giveaways!!

    Mikha xx

  44. Congrats on 800 followers, Desire. I've been a follower for quite some time now. I have liked both your FB pages also. Good luck with your giveaway! julieodil at charter dot net

  45. Congrats on your milestone. I am already a follower on your blog and facebook. My email: bmcuttino@hotmail.com

  46. Congratulations Desire :) I don't use fb often, so didn't get to like your page there. But I'm your follower here :). I'll surely have your link displayed on my blog :) My email is blessingartideas@gmail.com.

  47. Congrats on all of your followers Desire! :) I've been following your blog my friend!! Thanks so much for your offering!! I will leave this in sidebar of my blog! HUGS

  48. I have become a follower. I have liked your Facebook pages, I entered Mr. Linky and I put your 800 follower badge on my blog. And well here is my comment. :) LOL

    Chris Hanselman

  49. 800 followers!!! Congrats.

    Chris Hanselman

  50. I am a new follower to your blog. Thank you for leaving a sweet comment on my blog and inviting me to enter your giveaway....much appreciated!

  51. 800 ? I am work for 70 LOL
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving sweet comments....Lis

  52. hI HON I have put this on my side bar, forgot before.xxx

  53. Congratulations on 800 followers. I liked both your FB pages and became a followers and left my name and link above. I'm off to add your badge to my page.

  54. Thanks for invite me to your blog and thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. Congrats!!!!

  55. Thanks for invite me to your blog and thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. Congrats!!!!

  56. Wow, Desire, I'm impressed! Over 800 followers! I'm still struggling to get over 100! LOL Been a follower since I discovered the Path of Positivity, but I have yet to check out your FB page. Going there now!

  57. What a lovely give-a-way Desire. I think I have liked your FB before but will double check. Congrats on 800+ followers!! Hugs, Lisa

  58. Oh my - those colors of the digi paper are fabulous! Congrats on hitting your goal +~ Good for you!

  59. Thanks for the heads up -- vdutchr@cox.net

  60. Anonymous1:01 AM

    I am a new follower and I liked your facebook pages. I will post your badge on my sidebar. Thanks for the chances to win. These look like great items. My email is mc-reeda@seovec.org

  61. Congratulations Desire..a wonderful following and wonderful candy..thanks so so much for the chance..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  62. Gratuliere ganz herzlich zu den 831 Follower
    da mƶchte ich natĆ¼rlich auch mitmachen
    du hast so schƶne Sachen zu gewinnen, ganz toll
    ich bin schon ein verfolger bei dir
    glg Gertrude

  63. hi Desire,
    as I have said before, you are one of the nicest and most dedicated bloggers I have come across, thanks so much for your inspiration and loyalty over the years.

    I have added my name to the linking system, liked your face book pages, I am already a follower of this blog and will tomorrow add your badge to my blog, for some reason I am not able to do so at the moment.

    Good luck to everyone entering and again a huge and well deserved Congratulations to yourself :)

  64. Oh and my email add is sus.zuzarte@gmail.com :)

  65. Hello Desire!
    Congratulations on reaching 800+ followers!!! Thanks for the chance to win amazing goodies! I am your new follower.

  66. Congratulations - wow!! Email is scrappywalker@gmail.com

  67. op die NIPPERTJIE!! LOL - WOW 800+ followers. WELGEDAAN. Jy verdien dit!!

    redgasser (at) gmail (dot) com

  68. I dont see my comment so I try again.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Gr Elly


Thank you for stopping by here at {Doing Life}. Please know that your comment is valued. Hope you enjoyed your stay.
Crafty hugs