16 September 2006

PRODUCTION LINE FOR 50th - 16 September 2006 I blogged about one of my loyal students Beverley Dow (now known as the 'Leprechaun') a while ago. At the time we have just designed a card for her parents', Bob and Jennie's 50th Wedding Anniversary invitation.

Thursday-night 'TP-Gang' students decided to help Beverley complete 29 of these invitations. We set aside the blue room for Saturday, 16 September 2006 to do this. It was most generous of the girls to unselfishly offer Beverley their assistance - yes there are still some 'good' people out there.

We thought that by completing these invitations as soon as possible so that they could be sent out to the various invitees, would uplift Jennie's spirits, who is undergoing chemo at the moment. She did not know as yet that her daughter has lovingly spent many hours to make her parents' 50th wedding anniversary a special day to be remembered.
Even Nicola's two bambinos lent a hand - without whom we probably would have extended our working time by another two hours. Thank you so much Eleni and Alexia - you are definite serious future scrappers to be (Tha Teacha speaks from experience).
We all had a wonderful time completing this project, apart from Nicola who was worried that Tha Teacha would not allow all and sundry to have some fun? Now, Tha Teacha is really not such a bad witch. The broom stick is not out yet.
Beverley, one of the most generous people I know, went a step further (actually zillions of steps) and came armed with a loaded goodie bag for each of her helpers. Each got a new ruler and scissors colour co-ordinating with their new AMM Tote-Ally Cool Bag, a huge PS Choccie with a saying applicable to each person, a Carol Boyes Sugar Spoon (Graham her husband's idea) and a tray filled with yummy messy's (miniature custard pastries) to take home to their loved ones as a thank you to them for letting their loved ones help her. Now if this not incredible, I don't know what is.
Beverley, it was a GREAT pleasure to be able to help you with these invitations and we are all thinking of you and your family going through this difficult time of chemo therapy! Our thoughts are with you.
The Team from left to right: Desire (Tha Teacha), Libby (Teacher's Pet), Eleni Jennings, Beverley Dow, Stella Fischer, Alexia Jennings and Nicola Jennings
- Your friends in need


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Bless your souls ladies. I wish we had more decent and kind hearted people like you in the world cos it would definitely be a much better place to live in. And like they say... a friend in need is a friend in deed. The lot of you are truly blessed to have friends like these.
    And Nicola...it seems that the apple doesnt fall far from the tree.

  2. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Hi there my fellow TP gang members - it truly was such a lovely afternoon fully of good company, lots of laughter and excellent food! In the words of Joseph Addison - "Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joy, and dividing our grief." and I really do think that's what we do for each other! Oh.......and has anyone noticed that the teacher has finally admitted that I AM THE REAL TEACHERS PET!! Check out Exhibit A - the wording in brackets behind my name next to the photo. YIPPEE!!! I WON, I WON, I WON, I WON!!! No sulking at the TP meeting tonight BEV :))

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Whew! Teachers Pet (which has now been confirmed) is full of the joys of Spring today. On a more serious note, it was such an enjoyable & very industrious afternoon, the most work,I think, that the TP Gang has done in ages.
    Shame Bev I know we will not be braced with your presence tonight, but you are always in our conversations & at least you have tasted the milk tart now, so you won't miss much - we will just miss you!! We will keep you posted.

  4. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Hi Ladies, wow, your invites are beauuuuutiful. Bev, your parents are going to be speechless when they see them. This must be a first for the TP gang - getting so much done in a sitting!!! Well done on a great job. Hey, anyone out there, if you need help doing things like this, let me know as I really enjoy this kinda of stuff.


  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Hello, Its me, I am sure you have ALL been wondering why I haven't make any comments - yet.

    First if all, I am mortified to realise that I AM NOT THE TEACHER PET after all - Libby, okay you won - but never feel safe - I am lurcking in the back ground.

    I know I have said Thank You to the TP gang and OUR special teacher - BUT - I really wish there was another word to describe how grateful I am for all your help - and we had a good time together , not forgetting the Jennings girls ( not you Nicola ).
    I only wish you could have been there to witness my folks opening their invitation - LOTS of tears and Ooh and Aahs and would like to thank you all for helping me - PARENTS PET !!!!

    Sorry there was no space for me last night - hope you enjoyed yourselves ( I did think of you often ) Have a good weekend.

    Love Always
    Bev x o x o

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I am so sorry I missed being with you all on this day - I agree Bev is a very special person and deserves all the love and support we can give.

  7. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Please don't to TOO nice to me, my bladder is now situated just below my eyes, I really am showing my age.
    We also missed you Carol, and thanks for all your kindness
    love Bev


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