22 October 2006

DAY 2/3 OF ORANGE RIVER ADVENTURE SCRAPPED - Sunday, 22 October 2006 Karen Burniston's http://karenburniston.typepad.com/ favourite word 'TUSH' (Trapped Under Something Heaving) is becoming very applicable to me of late. 2006 is becoming like a roll of toilet paper - the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. But just for this Sunday I had the feeling of being an 'UUSH' (Untrapped Under Something Heavy) and managed to complete the next stage of our Orange River Expedition during 1997.
I must say that the thought of the upcoming merger between the TP- and BH-Gangs this coming Saturday, the 'TUSH' feeling seriously spills over my soul. TP-Gang, please don't embarrass Tha Teacha, and check the conditions previously stated. Colour co-ordination being a serious pre-requisite.
To clear the air, I have had numerous requests to state who the gang members are - so here goes:
Teacher's Pet (TP) Gang: Elizabeth Houareau (Libby), Beverley Dow, Stella Fischer, Nicola Jennings, Carol Liebrandt and Robyn Keulder.
Botha's Hill (BH) Gang: Rayna Winson, Nicky Bosman, Shelley Candiotes, Michelle Ramsay and Kathlyn Elena Holland.
PS: In case of serious conflict on Saturday, 28 October 2006, the real TP (recently qualified 'criminal' lawyer) is on standby for legal support to desperate gangsters!
- Let the battle begin!


  1. Thanks so much Desire, now I know who is who in the GANGS...LOL

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Great design Desire.

    I am really looking forward to Saturday - TP Gang - are you ready???!!!

    Michelle (outside walker of the BH Gang!)


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