01 October 2006

- 30 September 2006
It was an early Saturday morning rise, at 5:15am (again), for my ad hoc Run & Walk For Life Saturday walking cession. We did an 8 km in 64 minutes in the Winston Park residential area. The weather was sunny and hot and the stickiness of humidity in the air. No time was wasted to put back all the calories with a 'French Toast' breakfast at Sprigs followed by a mid morning snooze.
Kathy (left) and Rayna (right) the 2 Pilgrims
Michelle (the intruder) (left) and Nicky (right)
Rayna invited all her scrapping friends and even her Teacha for a social afternoon's scrapping at their complex's club house in Botha's Hill. It was a most enjoyable and relaxing afternoon and a very welcome change to my normal Saturday scrapping teaching. I brainstormed a new layout (watch this space for evidence) accompanied with Sprigs chocolate brownies and Shelley's delicious home baked chocolate cake - chocolate overdose, what chocolate overdose?
Shelley (left) and the club house (right)
Tha Teacha brainstorming
Saturday evening was spent creating Stella's (Greek Connection) crystal watch order. Stella hope you like it.

Watch Sold: R235

The rest of Saturday night was spent watching a 3 hour tear jerking Indian movie. I loved the happy and alive feeling Indian music and dance invoke. Thanks to the real TP for the loan of the CD. Even Conroy watched both 3-hour movies with me and that without reading a book or playing chess on his laptop, on the side. THORNTREE 15KM RACE (Pietermaritzburg) - Sunday, 1 October 2006
After going to bed at 11:30pm last night (Indian movies' fault) we very hesitantly rose at 4:30am for this race. It was a tough and hot 15km race with long gradual hills round every corner, but otherwise a most enjoyable race with a little bit of cross country here and there. Conroy took it easy and walked/jogged with me. We finished the race in 2h01min.
- Resigning to a permanent horizontal position


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    It was a good race and I enjoyed your company. You are a strong walker Desire,considering you say you are unfit. Keep it up.

    Michelle (the outsider walker)

  2. Well done on your walk...

    You sure are doing lots of them now.

    Looks like it was fun at the Saturday Social Scrapping.

    Chat soon.

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    TP is obviousley speechless that our Teacher has branched out by being invited as a private guest to Rana's group, as she has made not attempt to comment on this. Anyway I am very excited to see that my watch has been made it is really BEEEAUTIFULL!! THANKS SO MUCH, can't wait to see it in real life.

  4. Hey Desiree!!
    I am SO glad for your email!! thank you so much for taking the time to write me! i will visit you blog more often.


  5. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Heard that gals. "The real TP". Straight from Tha Teacha's mouth

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Well.........I've finally managed to pick myself up off the ground after having fallen flat on my back when looking at these photo's! My darling "mom" Carol also is in a state of shock. I received a panic stricken call from her saying "have u seen the blog? what's going on? there's a whole bunch of other people there? and they've got bags?? Whats the teacha doing?" TP Secretary - I think this needs to be at the top of the agenda tonight!!!


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Crafty hugs