- Saturday, 23 December 2006
Conroy and me were excited having our very good friends Carel and Belinda with their two sons Duane and Kyle (our god children) staying with us for a few days over the Xmas weekend.
We headed for the Gateway shopping centre round about 10am on Saturday and had a substantial brunch before hitting the movies for a view of Casino Royale and De Ja Vu. Must say that the latest 007 movie was quite entertaining and loaded with various creative photography moments. The intro was also very interesting from a scrappers viewpoint. Saw quite a few design elements for a page or two.
I took my camera along and snapped away inside Gateway, whilst strolling around in search of a leather wrist band for Duane. Wrist bands are apparently the latest craze in fashion accessorising amongst boys.

* My design on Gateway

* We did the same design for Belinda's photos of Duane's Matric Farewell
Me and Belinda also had some time during their stay to do a layout or two, under serious protest from the men, which fell on deaf ears. We had a divine dinner at Butchers Boys in Hillcrest. - 007 Fan Signing Off
Stunning design! I have also used that stencil on my latest single page layout - just need to finish it off.
(The OW and MoBHG who is a TPGC and the MFV the DLA and also DLEWotN)