27 April 2007

FREEDOM DAY - Friday, 27 April 2007 "free·dom n. 1. The condition of being free of restraints. 2. Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression. 3. a. Political independence. b. Exemption from the arbitrary exercise of authority in the performance of a specific action; civil liberty: freedom of assembly. 4. Exemption from an unpleasant or onerous condition: freedom from want. 5. The capacity to exercise choice; free will: We have the freedom to do as we please all afternoon. 6. Ease or facility of movement: loose sports clothing, giving the wearer freedom. 7. Frankness or boldness; lack of modesty or reserve: the new freedom in movies and novels. 8. a. The right to unrestricted use; full access: was given the freedom of their research facilities. b. The right of enjoying all of the privileges of membership or citizenship: the freedom of the city. 9. A right or the power to engage in certain actions without control or interference: "the seductive freedoms and excesses of the picaresque form" John W. Aldridge." See: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/freedom Freedom Day has been warm, overcast and windy here in Kloof, Durban, South Africa. The first serious evidence of autumn leaves falling has been very noticeable today. A sure sign that the season has changed and autumn is in full swung. The birdlife in our garden was quite prolific today and it seems that even nature is bracing itself for colder weather. Even the resident ant armies have gone underground. I have also spotted a few aloe species sporting flower buds.
There was a whisper of quietness in the air and tell tale signs of the dreaded winter blues dampening spirits a bit. Apart from a Sunday feeling lurking around, although it being a Friday, a feeling of anti-climax was about. Us 9 to 5 office workaholics look so forward to a public holiday, that when the precious day arrives, mixed feelings are abound.
But, thank heaven there is an antidote out there for the blues - yes you don't even have to guess - SCRAPPING! I got to finish Candice Greenway's Designersnotes online class. The finishing touches and journalling about my top 10 photos took a big chunk out of the day. Thank you Candice. You made me scrutinize my photos I have taken during the past 8 years. It brought back many happy memories and made me stand back and realise how fortunate I am to have such special family and friends in my life and to have visited such amazing and beautiful places in our beloved South Africa. We can't argue - we still have a country filled with splendour and beauty which we need to nurture for many more generations to enjoy.
- Free Spirit Signing Off


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Absolutely stunning Desire. I am looking forward to completing mine.


    (The OW and MoBHG who is a PTGC and is the MFV the DLA and also DLEWotN)

  2. Hi Desire - love your layout - Karin has TAGGED me and now I have tagged you! You need to write 7 random about yourself on your blog and tag 7 bloggers - leave a message for them to do the same! Have fun this COLD weekend! My blogspot is www.mcgeers.blogspot.com



  3. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Desire, I've said this before & I'll say it again - you are without doubt the Queen of the double page spread! You have taken my single page design & turned it into another one of your stunning 2 page creations!
    Your blog is a literal feast for the eyes & your flickr slideshows provide endless inspiration - you have such a unique & wonderful style.
    Your LO is fabulous, great balance & flow, superb attention to detail and I love the way you've done your journaling in your own handwriting. The photos you've chosen as your favourites are testimony to the fact that not only are you a world-class scrapper but you are also an extremely talented photographer. Beautifully done, Desire - thank you so much :o)


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Crafty hugs