Below: Now this is the life
Below: Alisha & Zander riding the waves
Below: Marko still deciding on whether to take the plunge
Below: Marko testing the water
Below: Alisha catching some rays to dry
Below: Zander showing me his loose tooth and telling me how the tooth fairy builds his tooth houses
Below: Marko took the plunge at last and loving it
Above: Marko could not contain his excitement watching his Xmas gift i.e. dancing Elf performing and singing for him.

Below: Back - Heidi, Marko & Bernardt Nel and Conroy. Front - Myself, Alisha & Zander Nel, Rona & Julius Schmidt

Below: The Nel's and their Borrelbekkies

Thank you for stopping by and sharing in our Xmas joy. Trust you also had a blessed and joyful Xmas. Here's wishing you all a happy and joyful 2012.
Sjoe die fotos is stunning!!